I'm trying to scrape Reddit data (I'm pretty new to web scraping and half decent at R). The RedditExtractor package has a nice function that does 90% of what I need, but it doesn't grab the "flair" associated with users who make comments. I'm trying to play around with the package's function but I'm a bit over my head.
There are examples of Reddit threads with flairs here. I think I'm looking for the text in these bits of XML:
<span class="flair flair-orthodox" title="Eastern Orthodox">Eastern Orthodox</span>
I've pasted the code from the reddit_content()
function along with comments where I think the extra code should go, but I'm not quite sure where to go from here. At the moment the function returns a data frame with columns for the comment, time stamp, user, etc. I need it to also produce a comment with user flairs if they exist. Thanks in advance!
redd_content_flair <- function (URL, wait_time = 2)
if (is.null(URL) | length(URL) == 0 | !is.character(URL)) {
stop("invalid URL parameter")
GetAttribute = function(node, feature) {
Attribute = node$data[[feature]]
replies = node$data$replies
reply.nodes = if (is.list(replies))
else NULL
return(list(Attribute, lapply(reply.nodes, function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, feature)
get.structure = function(node, depth = 0) {
if (is.null(node)) {
filter = is.null(node$data$author)
replies = node$data$replies
reply.nodes = if (is.list(replies))
else NULL
return(list(paste0(filter, " ", depth), lapply(1:length(reply.nodes),
function(x) get.structure(reply.nodes[[x]], paste0(depth,
"_", x)))))
data_extract = data.frame(id = numeric(), structure = character(),
post_date = as.Date(character()), comm_date = as.Date(character()),
num_comments = numeric(), subreddit = character(), upvote_prop = numeric(),
post_score = numeric(), author = character(), user = character(),
comment_score = numeric(), controversiality = numeric(),
comment = character(), title = character(), post_text = character(),
link = character(), domain = character(),
#flair = character(),
URL = character())
pb = utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(URL), style = 3)
for (i in seq(URL)) {
if (!grepl("^https?://(.*)", URL[i]))
URL[i] = paste0("https://www.", gsub("^.*(reddit\\..*$)",
"\\1", URL[i]))
if (!grepl("\\?ref=search_posts$", URL[i]))
URL[i] = paste0(gsub("/$", "", URL[i]), "/?ref=search_posts")
X = paste0(gsub("\\?ref=search_posts$", "", URL[i]),
raw_data = tryCatch(RJSONIO::fromJSON(readLines(X, warn = FALSE)),
error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(raw_data)) {
Sys.sleep(min(1, wait_time))
raw_data = tryCatch(RJSONIO::fromJSON(readLines(X,
warn = FALSE)), error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(raw_data) == FALSE) {
meta.node = raw_data[[1]]$data$children[[1]]$data
main.node = raw_data[[2]]$data$children
if (min(length(meta.node), length(main.node)) > 0) {
structure = unlist(lapply(1:length(main.node),
function(x) get.structure(main.node[[x]], x)))
TEMP = data.frame(id = NA, structure = gsub("FALSE ",
"", structure[!grepl("TRUE", structure)]),
post_date = format(as.Date(as.POSIXct(meta.node$created_utc,
origin = "1970-01-01")), "%d-%m-%y"),
comm_date = format(as.Date(as.POSIXct(unlist(lapply(main.node,
function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "created_utc")
})), origin = "1970-01-01")), "%d-%m-%y"),
num_comments = meta.node$num_comments,
subreddit = ifelse(is.null(meta.node$subreddit),
"UNKNOWN", meta.node$subreddit), upvote_prop = meta.node$upvote_ratio,
post_score = meta.node$score, author = meta.node$author,
user = unlist(lapply(main.node, function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "author")
comment_score = unlist(lapply(main.node,
function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "score")
controversiality = unlist(lapply(main.node,
function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "controversiality")
comment = unlist(lapply(main.node, function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "body")
title = meta.node$title, post_text = meta.node$selftext,
link = meta.node$url, domain = meta.node$domain,
#flair = unlist(lapply(main.node, function(x) {GetAttribute(x, "flair")})),
URL = URL[i], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
TEMP$id = 1:nrow(TEMP)
if (dim(TEMP)[1] > 0 & dim(TEMP)[2] > 0)
data_extract = rbind(TEMP, data_extract)
else print(paste("missed", i, ":", URL[i]))
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
Sys.sleep(min(2, wait_time))
Edit: I'd also like to grab the URL for the "parent" comment, which looks like its in tags like
<p class="parent"><a name="d3t1p1r"></a></p>
I managed to come up with an ad hoc solution. I'll post it here for posterity. The issue is the function as-is wasn't set up to handle NULL JSON values. It was a quick fix.
About midway down there are two raw_data =
lines. You need to add the nullValue = 'your null text'
argument to the fromJSON
function. Then you can add whatever metadata you wanted to both the empty data frame and the TEMP data frame, using the same construction as elsewhere. In the function below I've added both the user's flair text and the ID of the parent comment.
(Note, the wonky indenting is from the original function...I've left it as is to prevent accidentally changing something.)
reddit.fixed <- function (URL, wait_time = 2)
if (is.null(URL) | length(URL) == 0 | !is.character(URL)) {
stop("invalid URL parameter")
GetAttribute = function(node, feature) {
Attribute = node$data[[feature]]
replies = node$data$replies
reply.nodes = if (is.list(replies))
else NULL
return(list(Attribute, lapply(reply.nodes, function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, feature)
get.structure = function(node, depth = 0) {
if (is.null(node)) {
filter = is.null(node$data$author)
replies = node$data$replies
reply.nodes = if (is.list(replies))
else NULL
return(list(paste0(filter, " ", depth), lapply(1:length(reply.nodes),
function(x) get.structure(reply.nodes[[x]], paste0(depth,
"_", x)))))
data_extract = data.frame(id = numeric(), structure = character(),
post_date = as.Date(character()), comm_date = as.Date(character()),
num_comments = numeric(), subreddit = character(), upvote_prop = numeric(),
post_score = numeric(), author = character(), user = character(),
comment_score = numeric(), controversiality = numeric(),
comment = character(), title = character(), post_text = character(),
link = character(), domain = character(), URL = character(), flair = character(), parent = character())
pb = utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(URL), style = 3)
for (i in seq(URL)) {
if (!grepl("^https?://(.*)", URL[i]))
URL[i] = paste0("https://www.", gsub("^.*(reddit\\..*$)",
"\\1", URL[i]))
if (!grepl("\\?ref=search_posts$", URL[i]))
URL[i] = paste0(gsub("/$", "", URL[i]), "/?ref=search_posts")
X = paste0(gsub("\\?ref=search_posts$", "", URL[i]),
raw_data = tryCatch(RJSONIO::fromJSON(readLines(X, warn = FALSE), nullValue = "none"),
error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(raw_data)) {
Sys.sleep(min(1, wait_time))
raw_data = tryCatch(RJSONIO::fromJSON(readLines(X,
warn = FALSE), nullValue = "none"), error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(raw_data) == FALSE) {
meta.node = raw_data[[1]]$data$children[[1]]$data
main.node = raw_data[[2]]$data$children
if (min(length(meta.node), length(main.node)) > 0) {
structure = unlist(lapply(1:length(main.node),
function(x) get.structure(main.node[[x]], x)))
TEMP = data.frame(id = NA, structure = gsub("FALSE ",
"", structure[!grepl("TRUE", structure)]),
post_date = format(as.Date(as.POSIXct(meta.node$created_utc,
origin = "1970-01-01")), "%d-%m-%y"), comm_date = format(as.Date(as.POSIXct(unlist(lapply(main.node,
function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "created_utc")
})), origin = "1970-01-01")), "%d-%m-%y"),
num_comments = meta.node$num_comments, subreddit = ifelse(is.null(meta.node$subreddit),
"UNKNOWN", meta.node$subreddit), upvote_prop = meta.node$upvote_ratio,
post_score = meta.node$score, author = meta.node$author,
user = unlist(lapply(main.node, function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "author")
})), comment_score = unlist(lapply(main.node,
function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "score")
})), controversiality = unlist(lapply(main.node,
function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "controversiality")
})), comment = unlist(lapply(main.node, function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "body")
})), title = meta.node$title, post_text = meta.node$selftext,
link = meta.node$url, domain = meta.node$domain,
URL = URL[i],
flair = unlist(lapply(main.node, function(x) {
GetAttribute(x, "author_flair_text")
parent = unlist(lapply(main.node, function(x) {GetAttribute(x, "parent_id")})),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
TEMP$id = 1:nrow(TEMP)
if (dim(TEMP)[1] > 0 & dim(TEMP)[2] > 0)
data_extract = rbind(TEMP, data_extract)
else print(paste("missed", i, ":", URL[i]))
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
Sys.sleep(min(2, wait_time))