I just have a quick (I think) question regarding a program I'm working on in C#. I have a text file with a long list of numbers, like this:
41.673993158 0.000000000 258.436256
41.673992499 -0.000001364 258.462068
41.673991841 -0.000002700 258.487880
And I need to create an array that contains each number separately as a double(or float). i.e.
Array[0] = 41.673993158
Array[1] = 0.000000000 ...etc.]
Right now, I have the numbers in an array, but they are all strings. I have the following code:
string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("/Applications/Unity/Projects/Underwater/SampleFile.txt");
if (text != null)
string[] strings = text.Split (' ');
System.Console.WriteLine("Contents of SampleFile = ");
for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine (strings[i]);
This code works perfect. It outputs each number on a separate line in the console, which leads me to believe that each number has it's own place in the array. However, they are all still strings, so when I try to convert them to doubles using this code:
double[] nums = new double[strings.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; i++)
nums[i] = Convert.ToDouble(strings[i]);
I get thrown an exception error, and can't figure out why. Here's the error message:
System.FormatException has been thrown.
Unknown Char
Details: double.Parse (s="258.436256\r\n41.673992499", provider={en-CA})
System.Convert.ToDouble (value="258.436256\r\n41.673992499")
I can't move on in my program until I have an array of doubles, so any help is greatly appreciated!
You can see from your exception message that it's trying to parse two numbers at once that are separated by a carriage return.
You're splitting by space, but not by line. Writing this to the console would look correct, however.
Change your split to include both space and CRLF:
text.Split(new[] {" ", "\r\n"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
You could even combine with some LINQ to parse and then create the array - this is a far terser solution:
var nums = text
.Split(new[] {" ", "\r\n"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
See this fiddle for a working demo.