I'm trying to insert web service input/output as xml into Graylog. To do this I used "GELFJ - A GELF Appender for Log4j and a GELF Handler for JDK Logging". Here is the sample code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
GelfSender gelfSender = new GelfTCPSender("", 12201);
String xmlMessage = readFile("c:\\temp\\xml.xml");
GelfMessage message = new GelfMessage("short message", "long message", System.currentTimeMillis(), "1");
message.addField("XML", xmlMessage);
message.addField("LEN", xmlMessage.length());
if (message.isValid()) {
GelfSenderResult result = gelfSender.sendMessage(message);
Exception exception = result.getException();
if (exception != null) {
} else {
System.err.println("Message is not valid!");
And this is the GELF TCP input properties.
I can't insert a message field bigger than 20k (characters). and a message total size bigger than 1.6 MB.
My question is what are the limits of a message field and the message total size in bytes?
Graylog and the GELF protocol itself don't have any size restrictions but it should be noted that Lucene (the library underlying Elasticsearch) has a limit of 32 KiB per field for analyzed fields (e. g. the "message" and "full_message" fields of a GELF message).
Given that the default encoding in Elasticsearch and Graylog is UTF-8, the 20.000 characters could approximately match the maximum field size of 32 KiB (for analyzed fields). Non-analyzed fields can be (almost) arbitrarily big.
See https://github.com/Graylog2/graylog2-server/issues/873 for a related issue on GitHub.