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Use gpg to sign git commits in eclipse

There is this nice feature from github to show that a git commit is signed using a gpg key.

I followed the following articles:

and I'm now able to sign my commits and tags using the command line by default.
(This is also visible/marked as "Verified" in the github repository)

However eclipse refuses to (properly) sign any git commit (with gpg) even if I turn on/off the "sign-off" button. It also doesn't show whether a commit was signed at all.

What am I doing wrong or is eclipse/egit not (yet) able to deal with gpg?

I use the following tools

  • Eclipse Mars.1+2
  • GPG4Win 2.2.0
  • Git 2.8.2


  • It seems to be a missing feature of EGit, you should probably suggest this enhancement to .