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TimeToLive in JMS Producer kills my Message

if i set the TimeToLive in my Producer, my Subscriber doesn't receive any message. I use an activeMQ V. 5.13.3 as message broker.

My Producer

javax.naming.Context ctx = new InitialContext();
// lookup the connection factory
factory = (javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup("ConnectionFactory");
// create a new TopicConnection for pub/sub messaging
connection = factory.createConnection("user", "pwd");
// lookup an existing topic
destination = (javax.jms.Topic)ctx.lookup("MyTopic");
// create a new TopicSession for the client
session = connection.createSession(false, TopicSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);


producer = session.createProducer(destination);

TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage();
message.setText("The Message");

My Consumer

javax.naming.Context ctx = new InitialContext();
// lookup the connection factory
factory = (javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup("ConnectionFactory");
// create a new TopicConnection for pub/sub messaging
connection = factory.createConnection("user", "pwd");
// lookup an existing topic
destination = (javax.jms.Topic)ctx.lookup("MyTopic");
// create a new TopicSession for the client
session = connection.createSession(false, TopicSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

consumer = session.createDurableSubscriber(destination, id);

consumer.setMessageListener(new MessageListenerConsumer("ClientID-"+id));

If i doesn't use setTimeToLive() the consumer receive the message but with setTTL() no message arrive's the consumer - not less or more as the defined 10 seconds TTL! Why? Where is the mistake?



  • Could be that your client's and server's system clocks are out of sync.