I want to generate automation test report in eclipse project. I didn't create a marven project and I used Eclipse, Cucumber and Selenium web driver for automation scripting. But I cannot find how to generate an automation report.
Please tell me if there is a way to generate an automation report for a Java eclipse project. I have created the main class. It is as belows.
package mCollector;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
format = {"pretty","html:target"},
features = {"src"}
public class mCollectorRunner {
But only from this, I could not generate automation script. What are the additional parts that I have been missed.
Run your class as JUnit, then you should have report.html in target folder after test, you can change directory of report output by changing line
format = {"pretty","html:target"},
format = {"pretty","html:test-reports"},
It will create folder called 'test-reports' in your project directory.