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Swapping nodes and adding new edges showing weird behaviour in GraphStream

I am trying to create a simulation of Traveling Salesman Problem and for this I am using GraphStream library. I have a class CreateGraph which is responsible for creating and maintaining graph. As a part of simulation I have to swap two cities (nodes in graph term) and for this what I am doing is

  • Get edges associated with node1 and store them in array named edge_1
  • Get edges associated with node2 and store them in array named edge_2
  • Remove duplicate edges from both the arrays and store them in array named common
  • Now remove both the nodes (this will also remove edges associated with them)
  • Create two nodes again with the same id's as previous ones
  • now iterate through edge_1 and add it with node2 and do same for node1 and edge_2
  • Now add common edges between them

Mostly everything is working fine but sometimes I am not getting all the edges associated with the node. See images below (give attention on blue nodes) enter image description here enter image description here

you can see the nodes and edges associated with them on bottom-left side in IDE.

Here is the CreateGraph class

package graph;

 * Created by deepanshu on 6/1/16.

import org.graphstream.ui.view.Viewer;
import sa.City;
import sa.Tour;
import sa.TourManager;
import org.graphstream.graph.*;
import org.graphstream.graph.implementations.SingleGraph;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class CreateGraph {

    protected String stylesheet =
            "node { " +
                "fill-color: green; text-color: blue; text-alignment: under;" +
            "}" +
            "edge { " +
                "fill-color: red;" +
            "}" +
            "graph { "+
                "fill-color: black;" +
            " }";

    private Graph graph;

    public CreateGraph() {
        graph = new SingleGraph("Simulated Annealing");
        Viewer viewer = graph.display();
        graph.addAttribute("ui.stylesheet", stylesheet);

    public void init() {
        int totalNumberOfCities = TourManager.numberOfCities();
        for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfCities; ++i) {
            City city = TourManager.getCity(i);
            int x = city.getX(), y = city.getY();
            graph.addNode("" + x + ", " + y);
            Node node = graph.getNode("" + x + ", " + y);
            node.addAttribute("ui.label", node.getId());
            node.setAttribute("x", x);
            node.setAttribute("y", y);
//            sleep();

    public void set(Tour tour) {
        ArrayList tour_real = tour.getTour();
        int length = tour_real.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; ++i) {
            City city_1 = (City)tour_real.get(i);
            City city_2 = (City)tour_real.get(i + 1);
            Node node_1 = graph.getNode("" + city_1.getX() + ", " + city_1.getY());
            Node node_2 = graph.getNode("" + city_2.getX() + ", " + city_2.getY());
            node_1.setAttribute("x", city_1.getX());
            node_2.setAttribute("x", city_2.getX());
            node_1.setAttribute("y", city_1.getY());
            node_2.setAttribute("y", city_2.getY());
            graph.addEdge(i + "", node_1, node_2, false);
//            sleep();

    private void addEdge(Iterator iterator, ArrayList<Edge> edges) {
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

    private void addEdge(ArrayList<Edge> edges, Node node_1, Node node_2, ArrayList<Edge> changeEdge) {
        for (Edge edge : edges) {
            Node node0 = edge.getNode0();
            Node node1 = edge.getNode1();
            if (node_2.getId().equals(node1.getId())) {
                graph.addEdge(edge.getId(), node_1, node0, false);
            } else {
                graph.addEdge(edge.getId(), node_1, node1, false);

    private Node addNode(int x, int y) {
        graph.addNode("" + x + ", " + y);
        Node node_1 = graph.getNode("" + x + ", " + y);
        node_1.setAttribute("x", x);
        node_1.setAttribute("y", y);
        node_1.addAttribute("ui.label", node_1.getId());
        node_1.addAttribute("", "fill-color: blue; text-color: blue; text-alignment: under;");
        return node_1;

    private void removeCommon(ArrayList<Edge> edges_1, ArrayList<Edge> edges_2, ArrayList<Edge> common) {
        for (Edge edge_1 : edges_1) {
            common.addAll( -> edge_1.getId().equals(edge_2.getId())).map(edge_2 -> edge_1).collect(Collectors.toList()));

        for (Edge edge : edges_1)
            edge.addAttribute("", "fill-color: Green;");
        for (Edge edge : edges_2)
            edge.addAttribute("", "fill-color: Green;");
        for (Edge edge : common)
            edge.addAttribute("", "fill-color: Green;");

    public void updateColor(ArrayList<Edge> changeEdge, Node node_1, Node node_2) {
        for (Edge edge : changeEdge)
            edge.addAttribute("", "fill-color: Red;");

        node_1.addAttribute("", "fill-color: green; text-color: blue; text-alignment: under;");
        node_2.addAttribute("", "fill-color: green; text-color: blue; text-alignment: under;");

    public void update(City city_1, City city_2) {
        ArrayList<Edge> changeEdge = new ArrayList<>();
        int x_1 = city_1.getX(), y_1 = city_1.getY();
        int x_2 = city_2.getX(), y_2 = city_2.getY();
        Node node_1 = graph.getNode("" + x_1 + ", " + y_1);
        Node node_2 = graph.getNode("" + x_2 + ", " + y_2);
        ArrayList<Edge> edge_1 = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<Edge> edge_2 = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<Edge> common = new ArrayList<>();
        addEdge(node_1.getEdgeIterator(), edge_1);
        addEdge(node_2.getEdgeIterator(), edge_2);
        removeCommon(edge_1, edge_2, common);

        node_1 = addNode(x_2, y_2);
        node_2 = addNode(x_1, y_1);

        System.out.println("Node_1: " + node_1.toString());
        System.out.println("Node_2: " + node_2.toString());
        System.out.println("edge_1: " + edge_1.toString());
        System.out.println("edge_2: " + edge_2.toString());
        System.out.println("common: " + common.toString());

        addEdge(edge_1, node_1, node_2, changeEdge);
        addEdge(edge_2, node_2, node_1, changeEdge);

        for (Edge edge : common) {
            Node node1 = edge.getNode0();
            Node node2 = edge.getNode1();
            graph.addEdge(edge.getId(), node1, node2, false);

        updateColor(changeEdge, node_1, node_2);

    protected void sleep() {
        try {
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
//            scanner.nextLine();
        } catch (Exception e) {

update method is where the swap of two nodes will occur.


  • Okay I found the bug myself. The bug was here

     for (Edge edge : common) {
            Node node1 = edge.getNode0();
            Node node2 = edge.getNode1();
            graph.addEdge(edge.getId(), node1, node2, false);   <--- Replace it with
            graph.addEdge(edge.getId(), node_1, node_2, false);

    Actually I was assigning the local variable instead of real instance of nodes.

    I am leaving this question here for future reference to anyone who wants to swap two nodes in GraphStream library.

    Thank you for your time.