I'm currently trying to incorporate a LIKE
clause into my SQL select statement and take out the associating MATCH/AGAINST clause.
Ive tried many different variations of it and feel that I'm missing something since none have seemed to work yet.
The full php Page is
$sql = 'SELECT * from tbl_fish where MATCH(fish_name,size_name,cat_name) AGAINST(:search_query)';
$statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
$statement->bindParam(':search_query', $search_query, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$row_all = $statement->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode($row_all);
echo "no rows";
I've tried statements like this
$sql = 'SELECT * from tbl_fish WHERE (fish_name LIKE '%'searchQuery'%')';
But I have yet to come up with a working one. These results are being queried from an android application so I'm wondering if I'm missing something more than just changing that one statement. I was following a tutorial for this and it all works except when I try to change the parameters for the query.
Hoping to get some feedback from you guys. Thanks.
For build a proper like clause you can use concat
$sql = "SELECT * from tbl_fish WHERE fish_name LIKE concat ( '%', :searchQuery, '%')";
and for match the 3 columns you should use OR
$sql = "SELECT * from tbl_fish
WHERE fish_name LIKE concat ( '%', :searchQuery, '%')
or size_name LIKE concat ( '%', :searchQuery, '%')
or cat_name LIKE concat ( '%', :searchQuery, '%');";