I actually have three issues with $canActivate (also look at code below to better understand the issues):
<a ng-link="['MachineDetails', { id:
'c6bd76947fc0' }]</a>
I cannot access the id from $canActivate (url
and route have not chnaged yet so can't get it either through an
inject $location or injected $rootRouter)I cannot reroute from $canActivate (by using $rootRouter.navigate()).
import template from './machine-details.html';
export const machineDetailsComponent = {
template: template,
controller: machineDetailsController,
$canActivate: canActivate,
function machineDetailsController (machineDetailsService) {
this.$routerOnActivate = function (nextRoute) {
// do something;
function canActivate ($q, $rootRouter, machineDetailsService) {
const deferred = $q.defer();
* ISSUE 1:
* if I get here via ng-link, then $rootRouter.lastNavigationAttempt
* shows the route I was on when clicking, however if I type the url manually
* (or refresh) I get something I can use which is for example '/machineDetails/c6bd76947fc01'
const machineId = $rootRouter.lastNavigationAttempt.split('/')[2];
.then(successHandler, errorHandler);
* ISSUE 2:
* 'result' does not make its way into controller so I need to call
* machineDetailsService.getMachineDetailsData again in controller...
function successHandler (result) {
deferred.resolve(); // passing on result has no affect
function errorHandler (error) {
* ISSUE 3:
* $rootRouter.navigate doesn't work here (and controller is
* never called) so how do I cause system to go back to list view ?
// $rootRouter.navigate(['ListView']);
return deferred.promise;
The above code is my component definition written in ES6.
You can inject $nextInstruction
in your $canActivate
hook and then you can access your params via $nextInstruction.params
function canActivate($nextInstruction, $q, $rootRouter, machineDetailsService) {
const machineId = $nextInstruction.params.id;
I ran into the same problem, but couldn't find any solution to pass data from the $canActivate
hook into the controller.
You can navigate to ListView
via $rootRouter.navigate(['/ListView'])
. Notice the forward slash. That needs to be specified because your ListView
is not a child route.