I'm using GameplayKit and Swift. In my agent's move component, I'm running agentWillUpdate: but get an error "Cannot invoke initialiser for type 'Float2' with an argument list of type '(CGPoint)'" on the line where position is determined.
MoveComponent: GKAgent2D, GKAgentDelegate {
func agentWillUpdate(agent: GKAgent) {
guard let spriteComponent = entity?.componentForClass(SpriteComponent.self) else {
position = float2(spriteComponent.node.position)
The node position is ok (I've tested this with a print). When I CMD-click through 'position' I'm brought to SpriteKit's position property, instead of GKAgent2D's property. When I try to reference property with agent.property, the debugger tells me 'Value of type 'GKAgent' has no member 'position.'
In the next function call, I get the same error as my original one in reverse, "Cannot invoke initialiser for type 'CGPoint' with an argument list of type '(vector_float2)'"
func agentDidUpdate(agent: GKAgent) {
guard let spriteComponent = entity?.componentForClass(SpriteComponent.self) else {
spriteComponent.node.position = CGPoint(position)
CMD-clicking through the CGPoint(position) brings me to GKAgent2D. It seems the two "positions" are reversed with each other. Any ideas how to correct this?
If you don't want to write the conversion code every time you can use these extensions and then you can keep the code you had in your question.
extension CGPoint {
init(_ point: float2) {
x = CGFloat(point.x)
y = CGFloat(point.y)
extension float2 {
init(_ point: CGPoint) {
self.init(x: Float(point.x), y: Float(point.y))