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when is a session created in ejabberd ? How does authentication work ?

Im trying to understand the data flow of ejabberd and having a hard time till now.

First, these are the modules Im working on: ejabberd_c2s, ejabberd_auth, ejabberd_sm, ejabberd_sm_mnesia.

I understand that ejabberd_c2s is a gen_fsm that is entry point for any client that wants to talk to any other client.

Dataflow: When a client connects to ejabberd_c2s, it sends some data, not sure exactly what but along the lines of {JID}. But not able to figure out how ejabberd_c2s authenticates? Where does it actually call the authentication module and if the authentication is successful, who creates a session for that user? is it ejabberd_c2s or ejabberd_auth ?

I understand that ejabberd_sm[_mnesia] are the api calls that will actually create a session for anyone.

References to code/ samples is highly appreciated.!

How exactly this whole thing works?

Thanks a lot!


  • Authentication is primarily made is wait_for_stream function of c2s:

    Session is created in wait_for_bind function of c2s: