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Can I assign my own media id to jwplayer through API

I have a small "Java" Program which uploads the video to Jw player via API.

Is there any way to send media id along with video?

I mean Can I use my media id instead of generated media id? Or is there any way so that i can assign my media id to jwplaye through API?


  • When uploading content to JW Platform, the mediaid is always auto-generated (you cannot assign your own mediaid). This is to avoid conflicting unique identifiers. However, you can add a custom parameter at videos/create or videos/update if you have another unique identifier that you would like to assign to the video.

    The custom parameter is accessible and searchable, so for example, if you create a custom parameter of legacy id, you can then access item.legacy_id.


    Note that video key in the API documentation is the same as mediaid on the dashboard.