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How to reduce boilerplate with Kleisli

I follow the design of the book Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling

And for some service methods, it only delegates work to the repository layer. Is there a way to reduce this boilerplate :

trait FeedbackServiceImpl extends FeedbackService {
  override def saveTFE(feedback: TripFeedbackEvent) =
    Kleisli[Future, Context, Either[String, Id]] { ctx => }

  override def saveLFE(feedback: LibraryFeedbackEvent) =
    Kleisli[Future, Context, Either[String, Id]] { ctx => }

  override def findByUser(userId: Id) =
    Kleisli[Future, Context, Seq[FeedbackEvent]] { ctx => ctx.feedbackRepo.findByUser(userId) }

  override def all =
    Kleisli[Future, Context, Seq[FeedbackEvent]] { ctx => ctx.feedbackRepo.all }

  override def findByTip(tipId: Id) =
    Kleisli[Future, Context, Seq[FeedbackEvent]] { ctx => ctx.feedbackRepo.findByTip(tipId) }



  • We can create a combinator :

    private def kleisli[M[_], A](f: FeedbackRepository => M[A]) = Kleisli.kleisli(f).local[Context](_.feedbackRepo)

    Hence we gain 2 things :

    • avoid declaring the type by helping the type inference mechanism
    • avoid calling ctx.feedbackRepo by using local

    So we can use :

    trait Feedbacks {
      def saveTFE(feedback: TripFeedbackEvent) = kleisli( 
      def saveLFE(feedback: LibraryFeedbackEvent) = kleisli(
      def findByUser(userId: Id) = kleisli(_.findByUser(userId))