Since I updated my DHTMLX Suite to version 5.0 I don't get intellisense suggestions when typing dhtmlx functions in Visual studio Community 2015 version 14.0.24720.00 update 1.
The functions all work but I have to type them manually and I don't get any feedback on function parameter etc. All non-dhtmlx related functions work as normal with intellisense.
I use my DHTMLX Suite in a MVC project, the dhtmlx.js file is located under "~/codebase/"
and the View using the js is located under ~/Views/Home/Index
I use a custom Layout with <script src="~/codebase/dhtmlx.js")"></script>
in it's header. The View runs the scipts inside <script type="text/javascript"> functions </script>
Intellisense did work with DHTMLX Suite 4.6 but not with DHTMLX Suite 5.0. Am I missing something?
I found the answer to be similar to the accepted answer in this question.
Adding the dhtmlx.js as a reference to current group did the trick. To add the reference, select
Tools > Options
Text Editor > JavaScript > IntelliSense > References
Find the dhtmlx.js file and write the file path to Add a reference to current group
and press Add.