Here is my config file
(function () {
'use strict';
.config(['$ionicConfigProvider', '$httpProvider', '$compileProvider', function ($ionicConfigProvider, $httpProvider, $compileProvider) {
$ionicConfigProvider.tabs.position('bottom'); // other values: top
$compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false); // remove while debugging
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function ($state) {
var notificationOpenedCallback = function (jsonData) {
console.log('didReceiveRemoteNotificationCallBack: ' + JSON.stringify(jsonData));
{ googleProjectNumber: "xxxxxxxxx" },
window.plugins.OneSignal.getIds(function (ids) {
var deviceId = ids;
localStorage.setItem('deviceId', deviceId.userId);
// Show an alert box if a notification comes in when the user is in your app.
}, false);
The notificationOpenedCallback happens on click of a push message stacked on the device's tab .so i want to go to a particular route rather than just open the app which it does right now . In my notificationOpenedCallback function i want to be able to route to a particular state like
.state('tabs.answered', {
url: "/answered",
views: {
'tab-answered': {
templateUrl: "app/answeredfeed/answered.html",
controller: 'AnsweredCtrl',
controllerAs: 'vm'
authRequired: true
Normally i would do a
but the problem is i am unable to inject $state or $stateprovider so that i can route to tabs.answered . Is it even possible to route from config or have i got it all wrong ? Can this functionality be done some other way ?
Changed angular.config to and i was able to inject $injector and hence could do a
var state = $injector.get($state);