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Passing @Input and subscribing to @Output while navigating to a Route in Angular 2 Component

When we navigate to a route and load components,

  1. Can we pass variable decorated with @Input in loaded child component and can we subscribe to EventEmitter decorated with @Output ?
  2. Is there any lifecycle Hook available in parent, where Route is defined and we may get a reference to loaded component, so as to pass values\subscribe functions to child component dynamically?

Parent Component

    selector: "parent",
    templateUrl: "<router-outlet></router-outlet>"
   { path: "/child-component1", component: Child1Component }
  export class Parent {
   // Can we pass var1 and subscribe close here of Child1Component when route is navigated dynamically based upon path?
   // Is there any lifecycleHook available in parent where Route is defined?

Child Component

    selector: "child-component1",
    template: "<div>{{var1}}</div><button (click)='closeMenu()'>Close</button>"
  export class Child1Component {
   @Input() var1: string;
   @Output() close: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();

   constructor() { }

   closeMenu = (): void => {

I am using Angular2 RC1

Thanks in advance!


  • Just use a shared service for communication between components. See also

    Inputs and outputs can't be used for routed components, as they can only be applied to child components that are within the same template file.