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How to add characters to ckeditor in Savvy CMS

I have run into a problem adding special characters to the CKEditor 4 in a Savvy CMS installation. For example, the Turkish characters: ğ, ı, and ş represented by entity codes: ğ, ı, and ş are stripped out of the rich text when the content object is published.

Unpublished enter image description here

Published enter image description here

The HTML markup is as follows


<p>The Turkish alphabet is a modified version of the Latin alphabet and consists of 29 letters.<br/>
Included are 6 additional letters...</p>


 <p>...while - q, w, x - are excluded.</p>

I located the config.js file for the CKEditor and appended the entity codes as follows

config.specialChars = ['!', '&quot;'... '&#287;', '&#305;'...];

I also tried

config.extraSpecialChars = ['&#287;'];

However, the special characters are still stripped when the object is published. How can I configure the CKEditor 4 to accept additional special characters?


  • Try using this instead

    config.entities_additional = '#287,#305,#351';