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Getting 401 when signing HTTP message with signpost

I am integrating my web app with AppDirect, for this I created a java rs API using jersey.

When I subscribe to an event, I get a map containing the oauth values (key and secret) to sign my request and an event url to which I issue a sign fetch to.

I am getting those values (oauth and eventurl) as expected.

Now when I try to issue a signed fetch using the library signpost, I use the following code:

OAuthConsumer consumer = new DefaultOAuthConsumer(consumer_key, secret);
// create an HTTP request to a protected resource
URL url = new URL(eventUrl);
HttpURLConnection request = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

// sign the request

// send the request

I get this error message:

getResponseMessage: Unauthorized
getresponsecode: 401

I also tried with the following test values:

  1. url = "";
  2. dummyKey = "Dummy";
  3. dummySecret = "secret"; But I got the same result.

Please how can I fix it?

I also tried and adding this:


request.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "OAuth");

request.setRequestProperty("Host", "...");

request.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/xml");         

request.setRequestProperty("oauth_nonce", oauth_nonce);

request.setRequestProperty("oauth_signature", oauth_signature);

request.setRequestProperty("oauth_signature_method", oauth_signature_method);

request.setRequestProperty("oauth_timestamp", oauth_timestamp);

request.setRequestProperty("oauth_version", oauth_version);

also tried with key:secret in the Authorization property


  • Dummy keys (oauth)


    Here is a behavior of this service when testing via Postman Chrome extension. If you are using OAuth provider, so you need to get valid api-key for AppDirect and secret.

    BTW second screenshot shows you don't need to send an OAuth token to appdirect to, because it authorizes any url.

    So, according to your notes, you have to add proper(secret and key) and then AppDirect OAuth server will return you a valid token which you will use when addressing AppDirect's repositories. Or you may send key-secret with each request.