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Difference between Class and Object in typescript

Someone could explain me what is the difference between class and object in typescript.

class greeter{
  Name: string;

Before I using this

var greeter = {
    Name : "",
    Sayhello: function sayhello(){


  • It is up to you. Both of these are valid and idiomatic TypeScript:

    export class Greeter {
        name: '';
        sayHello() {


    export const greeter = {
        name : '',
        sayHello: () => {
    // if you need just the type of greeter for some reason
    export type Greeter = typof greeter; 

    If you don't have a need for the class, don't use them.

    But you may find benefits of classes if you want to:

    • manage your dependencies with Dependency Injection
    • use multiple instances
    • use polymorphism

    If you have multiple instances, using classes or prototype constructor functions, allow you to share method implementations across all instances.

    Even if you are in a purely functional paradigm, using prototype constructor functions or classes can be useful for creating monads.

    If you only have one instance, and do not need for a constructor, an object is is probably fine.