In a tic tac toe game, when a game is won, I want the winning line's background to go red.
I have taken the winning line box id's into an array as such-
if (cell1.innerText == symbol && cell2.innerText == symbol) {
if (cell3.innerText == symbol) {
winningLine=[,,]; //contains the id's of winning line
winFlag = true;
Then I add the css when a win is confirmed using this function-
function addOrRemoveCSS(line){
var i=0;
var cell=$(line[i]); // This is my main doubt. Can I do this??
Is there something wrong that Im doing here?? Because there is no change in the background.
Include the #
with your ID:
function addOrRemoveCSS(line){
var i=0;
var cell=$("#"+line[i]);
The jQ selector needs to know it's an ID you're looking for. You're just passing the strings without the ID selector #