I try to delete a certificate from a Truststore programmatical in JAVA.
public static void deleteCertificate(final File trustStore, final String password, final String alias) {
try (final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(trustStore)) {
final KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("UBER");
keystore.load(fis, password.toCharArray());
if (keystore.containsAlias(alias)) {
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Alias " + alias + " not found in trust store");
catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error occures while deleting certificate.", e);
The Programm pass the line keystore.deleteEntry(alias), but the certificate is still in the trust store. No Error occures, the application runs through without any problems.
What do I wrong?
Thanks in advance. :-)
Try to store the result
OutputStream writeStream = new FileOutputStream(filePathToStore);
keystore.store(writeStream, password);