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Is there a way for audio fadeout in jPlayer


I have implemented a jPlayer audio function where the audio will play in correspond to the video.

Hence, at a certain part of the video, I will need to set the audio to fade out in a gradual manner, rather than just an abrupt mute.

what i have done:

I have set the a jplayer to play the following video list and have also set the audio to mute in the following parameter:

$("#Macallan_Video").jPlayer("mute", true);


The audio will mute at the required part of the video. However, looking through the documentation of jPlayer, I am still unable to set the jplayer audio to fade out.

Could I please get some help on how to fade out an audio.


 function stop_interrupt() {
   isInterrupt = false;
   triggerFeedback = "0";

   $("#M_Video").jPlayer("mute", true);
   console.log("stop_interrupt triggerFeedback: " + triggerFeedback);

 //To continuously play a list of video
   ready: function() {
     console.log("currentPlaying " + videoList[videoIndex]);
     $("#M_Video").jPlayer("setMedia", {
       m4v: videoList[videoIndex]
   ended: function() {
     console.log("NewCurrent:" + videoIndex);
     console.log("current :" + videoList[videoIndex]);
     if (videoIndex >= videoList.length) {
       console.log("Next" + videoIndex);
       videoIndex = 0;
     $("#M_Video").jPlayer("setMedia", {
       m4v: videoList[videoIndex]
   swfPath: "javascript",
   muted: true,
   loop: true,
   supplied: "webmv, ogv, m4v",
   size: {
     width: 1400,
     height: 750

 function show_interrupt(flag) {

   //Set Timeout for flag to be equal to "1"

   if (flag == "1") {

     $("#M_Video").jPlayer("mute", false);


  • Best solution: Download the jquery jplayer fade plugin from github developed by Solutions Nitriques


    Now, I take no credit for the following code: i found it on a [google groups forum] (it was posted in 2009) 3 There was an alternative suggestion on metafilters The guy on google groups did stress to ensure the volume was not already at 0 (makes sense!). Here's the code.

        var vol = 20; 
        var t = 0; 
        function playSample(id) { 
                vol = 20; 
        function stopSample(id, fadeout) { 
                //Set fadeout = true in the function call: <a href="#" 
                onClick="stopSample(23, true);">Stop</a> 
                if(fadeout == true) {fadeOut();} 
                swfPath: "swfpath"; 
        $("#player").onSoundComplete(function() { 
        function fadeIn() { 
                if(vol < 150) { 
                        t = setTimeout("fadeIn()", 200); 
                        vol = vol + 10; 
                } else { 
                        vol = 150; 
        function fadeOut() { 
                if(vol > 0) { 
                        t = setTimeout("fadeOut()", 200); 
                        vol = vol - 10; 
                } else { 
                        vol = 20; 
        $("#player").onProgressChange(function (l,pr,pa,pt,t) { 
          if(pa > 90 && pa < 92) { 
                  stopSample(0, true); 