I have a wicket Form
inside a page, declared like this:
protected void onBeforeRender() {
Form<Void> frm = new Form<Void>("frm") {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onSubmit() {
//other stuff...
is a method in the page itself. Inside that method I do:
private void doSomething(){
addOrReplace(new Label("labelID", "Some text"));
The problem is that the call to addOrReplace
does not work. I don't see the text added to the page. It only shows up if I refresh.
How can I make calls to addOrReplace
work from inside a onSubmit()
Sounds like you're working with AjaxButtons. You'll have to update the component or any of its parents to make the change visible in the browser:
Remember to call #setOutputMarkupId(true) on the component you want to update via Ajax:
To get hold of the AjaxRequestTarget you could override AjaxButton#onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget, Form)
and call doSomething from there - passing the AjaxRequestTarget to any method which has to update something.
Alternatively you can always call #getRequestCycle().find(AjaxRequestTarget.class) to get the current AjaxRequestTarget.