I'm currently using JFreeChart to create a line chart. This line chart gets updated every second with a new value (currently a random value). This way you can see how your data has changed over a certain time period. However after I've added over ten values they don't fit on the line anymore turning into dots. I would like to only have 5 values shown at a time which are spread across the entire timings. This is how it looks now:
Notice the dots at the bottom of the chart. I would like it to be changed to this:
Note that I want to keep all points which are created between these points in time. So data from 11:31:00, 11:31:01, 11:31:02 etc. should be still there.
This is what I currently have:
LocalDateTime date = LocalDateTime.now();
category = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
category.addValue(new Random().nextInt(10), "Data", date.getHour() + ":" + date.getMinute() + ":" + date.getSecond());
chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart("Values", "Time", "Data", category, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false);
((NumberAxis) ((CategoryPlot) chart.getPlot()).getRangeAxis()).setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits());
I got it by using a TimeSeriesChart. This is what I ended up with:
TimeSeriesCollection collection = new TimeSeriesCollection();
TimeSeries serie = new TimeSeries("Data");
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Data", "Time", "Data", collection, false, true, false);