Search code examples

update items in View

i'm trying to implement a research of products.

My view is something like this:

    <p:layoutUnit  position="center">
        <ui:include src="/Desktop/Users/Include/featureCheckbox.xhtml"/>     
    <p:layoutUnit position="south" style="border: 0px">
        <p:commandButton value="Search" 
<p:panel widgetVar="listProd" >
    <ui:include src="/Desktop/Users/Include/productsScroller.xhtml"/>

this is productsScroller.xhtml

OT: i don't know why i have to use to view more data, simply scroll doesn't work...

<h:form prependId="false"> 
    <p:dataScroller value="#{productsController.items}" var="item" chunkSize="10">
        <f:facet name="header">
            Scroll Down to Load More Wheelchair

        <h:panelGrid columns="1" style="width:100%" >
                <h:outputText value="#{}" style="font-weight: bold"/>
        <f:facet name="loader">
            <p:commandButton type="button" value="View More" />

and this is productsController (@Named and @ViewScoped)

private Collection<Product> items;
private Collection<Product> selectedItems;

public Collection<Product> getSelectedItems() {
    return selectedItems;

public void setSelectedItems(Collection<Product> selectedItems) {
    this.selectedItems = selectedItems;

public Collection<Product> getItems() {
    if (items == null) {
        items = this.ejbFacade.findAll();
    return items;

public void setItems(Collection<Product> items) {
    this.items = items;

public void searchProdByFeatures (){
    List<Product> items= (List<Product>) getItems();
    List<Product> newItems;
    Collection<Feature> featuresCollection = featureController.getSelectedItems();
    List<Feature> selectedFeatures = new ArrayList<>(featuresCollection);
    System.out.println(selectedFeatures.size());    //just for debug
    try {
        for (Feature selectedFeature : selectedFeatures) {
            String msg=(selectedFeature.getName()+" / ");
        newItems=productFacade.findProdByFeatures(selectedFeatures, items);
        System.out.println("Searched product are "+newItems.size());    //just for debug        
        System.out.println("New items are "+getItems().size());   //just for debug     
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {

the method searchProdByFeatures() works well but the problem is that the dataScroller won't update... i know there is something wrong in the view... but what?

or it'll be better to update the view from controller? how?


  • Edit your code to upadate the dataScroller by adding update="yourIddataScroller"

    <p:commandButton value="Search" 
                             oncomplete=";" update="yourIddataScroller"/>