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How to add a plugin to Telegraf?

Hello I would to know if someone have all ready add a plugin to telegraf for Influxdb. I have my go code which is working. What do I need next and where to put theses files?

I've found that I need to do something like this:

type ReadFile struct {
    //buf []byte
    //MemoryBytes int64
   //PID int

func (s *ReadFile) Description() string {
   return "This is a test plugin to read data from a file and send them to influxdb" }

func (s *ReadFile) SampleConfig() string {
    return "ok = true # indicate if everything is fine"

func Gather(acc plugins.Accumulator) error {


    acc.Add("alarm", result_of_readFile_here, tags)

    func init() {
    plugins.Add("readFile", func() plugins.Plugin { &ReadFile{} })

But is this my entire Go plugin or another file in Go to add with my Go program?

And where does the file.conf is store?

dc = "alarm"

interval = "10s"

url = "" # required.
database = "summer" # required.
precision = "s"


If you have a list of what I need, how to structure it, where I store file or maybe an example could be really helpful.



  • -> I receive this, it gave me a better understanding, I think it could be helpful:

    "His plugin code looks good to go. He needs to place that file in $GOPATH/src/

    He should write a test for the plugin and place it at $GOPATH/src/

    After this is complete he needs to register the plugin at $GOPATH/src/

    Then he should run make from $GOPATH/src/ This will place the new telegraf binary in $GOPATH/bin/telegraf.

    Run the binary with the following flags to generate the valid configuration:

    $GOPATH/bin/telegraf -sample-config -input-filter testPlugin -output-filter influxdb > testPlugin_config.conf

    From there you can run the binary with the -test flag by passing it the sample config:

    $GOPATH/bin/telegraf -config testPlugin_config.conf -test

    This will output the line protocol that is to be inserted into the database."

    -> And the testPlugin.go that he talks about:

    package testPlugin
    import (
    type ReadFile struct {
     counter int64
    func (s *TestPlugin) Description() string {
      return "This is a test plugin to write data to influxdb with a plugin"
    func (s *TestPlugin) SampleConfig() string {
      return "ok = true # indicate if everything is fine"
    func Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error {
    c := time.Tick(10 * time.Second)
    for now := range c {
        counter := counter + 1
        acc.Add("counter",counter, tags)
    func init() {
      inputs.Add("testPlugin", func() telegraf.Input { return &TestPlugin{} })