Can I combine 2 elements in one biding?
<Ellipse Fill="Black" x:Name="dot1" Width="16" Height="16" Canvas.Left="124" Canvas.Top="133"/>
<Ellipse Fill="Black" x:Name="dot2" Width="16" Height="16" Canvas.Left="221" Canvas.Top="40"/>
<Line Stroke="Black" x:Name="line1"
X1="{Binding ElementName=dot1, Path=(Canvas.Left)}"
Y1="{Binding ElementName=dot1, Path=(Canvas.Top)}"
X2="{Binding ElementName=dot2, Path=(Canvas.Left)}"
Y2="{Binding ElementName=dot2, Path=(Canvas.Top)}"
I need not only to bind the Line Start and End Points to the dots Left and Right, but the addition of (Left + Width / 2
) and (Top + Height / 2
) (centers).
Is that possible?
Yes, use a MultiBinding
and implement the formula in a IMultiValueConverter
Something like this where only X1 uses the MultiBindingand the rest are unchanged.
<Ellipse Fill="Black" x:Name="dot1" Width="16" Height="16" Canvas.Left="124" Canvas.Top="133"/>
<Ellipse Fill="Black" x:Name="dot2" Width="16" Height="16" Canvas.Left="221" Canvas.Top="40"/>
<Line Stroke="Black" x:Name="line1"
Y1="{Binding ElementName=dot1, Path=(Canvas.Top)}"
X2="{Binding ElementName=dot2, Path=(Canvas.Left)}"
Y2="{Binding ElementName=dot2, Path=(Canvas.Top)}">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource myMultiValueConverter}">
<Binding Path="(Canvas.Top)"/>
<Binding Path="(Canvas.Left)"/>