My problem was asked to you before but I cannot make it work. I need your help, I think.
<asp:ListView runat="server" ID="listvsl">
<img style="width: 100%; height: 150px;" src="<%#Eval("resim") %>" /><br />
<asp:Button ID="in" runat="server" Text="Sol" ClientIDMode="Inherit" OnClick="haraket" Style="width: 75px;" />
<asp:Button ID="cik" OnClick="haraket" runat="server" Text="Sağ" Style="width: 75px;" /><br />
<asp:Button ID="Button10" runat="server" Text="Sil" OnClick="sil_Clickice" Style="width: 150px;" /><br />
<asp:TextBox ID="aciklax" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" ClientIDMode="Inherit" /><br />
<asp:Button ID="Button12" runat="server" Text="Güncelle" ClientIDMode="Inherit" OnClick="yazignc" />
I need to get the
TextBox with FindControl when I click "Button12"
Button bu = (Button)sender;//Button12's onclick event
string[] falanca = bu.ClientID.ToString().Split('_');
string alcez = falanca[0] + "_" + falanca[1] + "_" + "aciklax" + "_" + falanca[3];
This is my method to find the ClientId. I get the ClientId but I cannot get the TextBox control with it. Can you help me ?
Fortunately, you don't need to parse the ClientID
to find the TextBox control. You can use the NamingContainer
property of the button to find the corresponding ListView item. Then you can find the TextBox in the item, using the original ID specified in the ItemTemplate:
Button btn = sender as Button;
ListViewItem item = btn.NamingContainer as ListViewItem;
TextBox txt = item.FindControl("aciklax") as TextBox;