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Force 32 bits compilation in MSVC 2010 commandline

Is there an option to specify in MSVC 2010 commandline executable to force the 32-bits compilation? If so, what is it?

Thanks by advance force your help,



  • Commandline for compiling 32bit needs an additional /D "WIN32"

    This will simply define WIN32. Macros like INT_PTR will be interpreted differently for 64-bit versus 32-bit. For example, INT_PTR is defined as follows:

    #if defined(_WIN64)
        typedef __int64 INT_PTR, *PINT_PTR; //64bit
        typedef _W64 int INT_PTR, *PINT_PTR; //32bit

    In addition, the link option for 64-bit includes /MACHINE:X64

    For 32-bit it must be changed to /MACHINE:X86

    In Visual Studio you can create a sample project, then in Project Properties it shows commandline option for C/C++ compile and link.