Iam writing an eclipse plugin with a customized text editor. The status bar contibutor iam using is is the default one. and these fields displayed are
i believe they are because of the following in org.eclipse.ui.part.EditorActionBarContributor
* The status fields to be set to the editor
* @since 3.0
private final static StatusFieldDef[] STATUS_FIELD_DEFS= {
new StatusFieldDef(ITextEditorActionConstants.STATUS_CATEGORY_FIND_FIELD, null, false, EditorMessages.Editor_FindIncremental_reverse_name.length() + 15),
new StatusFieldDef(ITextEditorActionConstants.STATUS_CATEGORY_ELEMENT_STATE, null, true, StatusLineContributionItem.DEFAULT_WIDTH_IN_CHARS + 1),
new StatusFieldDef(ITextEditorActionConstants.STATUS_CATEGORY_INPUT_MODE, ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds.TOGGLE_OVERWRITE, true, StatusLineContributionItem.DEFAULT_WIDTH_IN_CHARS),
new StatusFieldDef(ITextEditorActionConstants.STATUS_CATEGORY_INPUT_POSITION, ITextEditorActionConstants.GOTO_LINE, true, StatusLineContributionItem.DEFAULT_WIDTH_IN_CHARS)
my question is how to add a new status field for linedelimiter type
You should define you own editor action bar contributor which extends BasicTextEditorActionContributor
to get the standard status fields.
Override contributeToStatusLine
and add new status line contribution items for your extra items:
public void contributeToStatusLine(IStatusLineManager statusLineManager) {
where item
is a StatusLineContributionItem
which you should create in the action bar contributor construtor:
item = new StatusLineContributionItem("id", true, width in characters);
In the setActiveEditor
method you should set the action for the item and tell the editor about the status field:
public void setActiveEditor(IEditorPart part) {
// TODO check this is your editor
item.setActionHandler(... get action handler from editor...);
ITextEditorExtension extension = (ITextEditorExtension)part;
extension.setStatusField(item, "id");
In your main editor code extending TextEditor
you can then call
IStatusField statusField = getStatusField("id");