For example, I am storing user passports in Elasticsearch. They are stored as consecutive letters and digits of the following format: AADDDDDDD
. 2 alphabet and then 7 digits.
User is interested in search where he could mention specific values for specific positions. For example, I want to search all the passport numbers who have 'A' at the beginning, '7' in the third position and '0' in the last position. Something like this:
How to generate an efficient query for this? Do I need to create any custom analyzer for this?
So far what I've done is I inserted space in between characters and then searching for index position, seems like a costly operation to me.
How much efficient query do you need? If your data is not very big you can try regexp query
Other suggest will be use document with array of symbols and their places. ex.
'code' : [
{'pos':1, 'symbol':A},{'pos':2, 'symbol':B}, ...
then you can use a bool filter, and efficiently use filter cache