Search code examples

ResultSet is empty, event though the sql query is ok

I have the following Stored Procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE Uspinformation3 (@TypeNr    VARCHAR(50), 
                                 @Process   VARCHAR(50), 
                                 @StartDate VARCHAR(50), 
                                 @EndDate   VARCHAR(50)) 
  BEGIN try 
      SET dateformat dmy; 

      SELECT Count(rownr) 
      FROM   diff_ct 
      WHERE  type_number = @TypeNr 
             AND process = @Process 
             AND full_time_stamp BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate 
  END try 

If I execute the Procedure from SQL Server, it gives me the wanted answer

EXEC uspInformation3 1137328582, 427, 
                     {ts '2015-05-24 12:00:00'}, {ts  ' 2015-05-24 16:00:00 '}

But, when I try to do it from Java, the Result Set is always empty. Where am I doing a mistake? I guess that it has something to do with the data types that I am using?

 try {
                Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_Connection);

              String partno = pn.getText();
              String processname = procname.getText();
            // String StartTime =  DataStart.getText();  
      String StartTime = "{ts " +"'"+ DataStart.getText() +"'}";

            String EndTime = "{ts " +"'"+ DataFinal.getText()+"'}";


            Statement state = conn.createStatement();
     CallableStatement cs = null;

     cs = conn.prepareCall("{call uspInformation3(?,?,?,?)}");
        cs.setString(1, partno);
        cs.setString(2, processname);
        cs.setString(3, StartTime);
        cs.setString(4, EndTime);

       ResultSet rs = cs.getResultSet();

        if( {

               String totalct = rs.getString(1);



  • Did you try send the parameter as string? Or change the parameter type to datetime

    Also there was extra spaces there on second date.

    EXEC uspInformation3 1137328582, 427, 
                         '2015-05-24 12:00:00', '2015-05-24 16:00:00';