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Powershell and logparser arguments in herestring not working

I'm trying to pass som logparserarguments from powershell, just because i need to get the date right to be able to get the right data at the right time. But logparser wont accept the code from powershell, but if i run it directly from cmd without the needed date variable it works.

$date = Get-Date -UFormat "%y%m%d"
$exe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe"
$herestring = @"
date AS Date, 
time as Time, 
s-ip as Server-IP, 
cs-uri-stem as Request-URI 
FROM C:\Local\temp\S0000\u_ex$date*.log 
WHERE cs-uri-stem LIKE '%/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync/%'
-i:IISW3C -o:csv -q:off >c:\Local\test\Activesynccalls1.csv
start-process $exe -ArgumentList $herestring 

When passing this to logparser, logparser complains about "Error: Syntax Error: extra token(s) after query: '-i:IISW3C' but when i add a quotationmark after ...tiveSync/%'". it wont even take the argument at all, but when using the same argument in cmd it works just fine.


  • That won't work for several reasons:

    • A herestring does not create a string[] which is what -ArgumentList wants
    • The quote before the SELECT is superfluous.
    • The redirection inside the -ArgumentList won't work. Start-Process does not start a shell cmd but, the process directly.

    Also, you don't need Start-Process at all, but can directly run LogParser.exe (you could, but it is not necessary here).

    What you could try is something like this:

    $date = Get-Date -UFormat "%y%m%d"
    $query = @"
    SELECT date AS Date, time as Time, s-ip as Server-IP, cs-uri-stem as Request-URI 
    FROM C:\Local\temp\S0000\u_ex$date*.log 
    WHERE cs-uri-stem LIKE '%/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync/%'
    & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe" $query -i:IISW3C -o:csv -q:off > c:\Local\test\Activesynccalls1.csv