I have an very strange error: when I want to use the SocialServer::Client
class from my SocialServer::Server
class, the linker threw me two LNK2019 errors :
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall SocialServer::Client::Handle(void)" (?Handle@Client@SocialServer@@QAEXXZ) referenced in function "private: static unsigned int __stdcall SocialServer::Server::listenThread(void *)" (?listenThread@Server@SocialServer@@CGIPAX@Z) C:\Users\benjamin\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\FCX Social Server\SocialServer Core\Server.obj SocialServer Core
Error 2 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall SocialServer::Client::Client(unsigned int)" (??0Client@SocialServer@@QAE@I@Z) referenced in function "private: static unsigned int __stdcall SocialServer::Server::listenThread(void *)" (?listenThread@Server@SocialServer@@CGIPAX@Z) C:\Users\benjamin\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\FCX Social Server\SocialServer Core\Server.obj SocialServer Core
However , these 2 missing function are correctly implemented :
#pragma once
#include "dll.h"
namespace SocialServer
class __social_class Client
Client(SOCKET sock);
void Handle();
static unsigned __stdcall clientThread(void* value);
SOCKET _socket;
uintptr_t _thread;
unsigned int _thread_id;
#pragma once
#include "Client.h"
namespace SocialServer
Client::Client(SOCKET socket)
this->_socket = socket;
void Client::Handle()
std::cout << " New client " << std::endl;
this->_thread = _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, Client::clientThread, &this->_socket, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &this->_thread_id);
unsigned __stdcall Client::clientThread(void* value)
// Some code to execute here ...
Where does the problem comes from ?
i've found the solution. In a function that's used by _beginthreadex() (with unsigned __stdcall) , always add a return at the end.