I try to organize architecture of my DAO with OrientDB.
Below - example of my:
Connection manager:
public class DB {
private static final OPartitionedDatabasePoolFactory poolFactory = new OPartitionedDatabasePoolFactory();
public static ODatabaseDocumentTx fromPool() {
return poolFactory.get(sDbUrl, sDbUser, sDbPassword).acquire();
Dao (it uses in multithreaded environment):
public class Dao {
public static void addGold(String rid, long gold) {
try (ODatabaseDocumentTx db = DB.fromPool()) {
final String updateQuery = "UPDATE " + rid + " INCREMENT gold = " + gold + " LOCK RECORD";
db.command(new OCommandSQL(updateQuery)).execute();
public static void removeGold(String rid, long gold) {
try (ODatabaseDocumentTx db = DB.fromPool()) {
final String updateQuery = "UPDATE " + rid + " INCREMENT gold = " + -gold + " LOCK RECORD";
db.command(new OCommandSQL(updateQuery)).execute();
public static String transferGold(String fromRid, String toRid, long gold) {
try (ODatabaseDocumentTx db = DB.fromPool()) {
int numTries = 100;
while (true) {
try {
removeGold(fromRid, gold);
addGold(toRid, gold);
return "ok";
} catch (OConcurrentModificationException e) {
if (--numTries == 0) {
return "error";
It's valid to get connection from pool in case of transaction? So same database instance will be returns in same thread?
Any other advice are welcome
Using the OPartitionedDatabasePool should be thread safe and provide a way to get your connections. I think the OPartitionedDatabasePoolFactory is only used if you want to create multiple OPartitionedDatabasePool instances.
A static instance of OPartitionedDatabasePool:
OPartitionedDatabasePool myPool = new OPartitionedDatabasePool(dbUrl, user, password);
And then anytime a thread needs a connection:
ODatabaseDocumentTx dbConnection = MyClass.myPool.acquire();
(As in your code with OPartitionedDatabasePoolFactory).
The pool should automatically handle getting a database connection that will function on your thread.