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Error Querying OrientDB: Cannot query demodb database

Hi i'm new to OrientDB and i'm having querying errors with the latest version 3.2.2. GA Community Edition.

When using the default database "DemoDB" and going to the graph tab, using the query SELECT * FROM 'Profiles' I get a long list of errors that says "Error parsing query: SELECT * FROM 'Profiles' ^ Encountered "FROM "" at line 1, column 10. Was expecting one of ... and the error repeats itself with the name of the database at the bottom name ="demodb" Error Code "1"

I've checked the schema and I do see 'profiles' is listed there. I even done this with lower-case and still come across the same error.

How can I successfully query using CRUD with these errors? What is this error message saying?


  • For version 3.2.2 backticks are not needed when referencing classes.