I would like to make a simple collapsible faq in wordpress. There are accordion menu plugins out there that offer way more features than I need. But I'm having trouble getting things to look right with the Simple Content Reveal plugin.
I'm ready to try writing my own jquery code for the first time. I will need step by step instructions, or a link to same.
I will need a streamlined way of creating the markup for the faq. An example of an inefficient way of creating the markup:
id="id1" etc.
id="id2" etc.
(taken from the markup for Simple Content Reveal)
In other words, I want to be able to go from a bunch of questions and answers in notepad to the markup for the collapsible faq without too much fussy copy and paste fiddling.
Have you seen the accoridian in the JQuery framework? It's easy to use and should give you want you need.