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Firebird Cursors - Why would you use one

In the documentation here, the following code example is given for using a cursor:

execute block
returns (
  relation char(31), 
  sysflag int)
declare cur cursor for 
  (select rdb$relation_name, rdb$system_flag from rdb$relations);
  open cur;
  while (1=1) do
    fetch cur into relation, sysflag;
    if (row_count = 0) then leave;
  close cur;

But this can also be done as follows:

execute block
returns (
  relation char(31), 
  sysflag int)
  for select rdb$relation_name, rdb$system_flag 
  from rdb$relations 
  into relation, sysflag 
  do begin

So why would I want to use one? Ultimately the above example doesn't even need execlute block as it's just a simple select statement. So I suppose the example is just too simple to showcase a benefit of this.


  • The documentation you link to (and its newer 2.5 counterpart) already includes most of the reasons why you would (or would not) use a cursor (emphasis mine):

    If the cursor is needed only to walk the result set, it is nearly always easier and less error-prone to use a FOR SELECT statement with the AS CURSOR clause. Declared cursors must be explicitly opened, used to fetch data and closed. The context variable ROW_COUNT has to be checked after each fetch and, if its value is zero, the loop has to be terminated. A FOR SELECT statement checks it automatically.

    Nevertheless, declared cursors provide a high level of control over sequential events and allow several cursors to be managed in parallel.

    So in short, you should usually use FOR SELECT, except when you need access to multiple cursors at the same time, or maybe need some more complicated logic than just a simple loop. It also makes it possible to reuse the same cursor definition in multiple parts of your code (although that might indicate you need to break up your code in multiple stored procedures).

    Presence of a tool does not mean that it should be used for everything.

    As an aside, a FOR SELECT is also a cursor, except you don't have explicit control over it (it hides most of the ugliness ;)).