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UWP get shell icon for a file

Most solutions here use System.Drawing which is not available in UWP afaik. GetThumbnailAsync() does the job but only for non-image files. With image files i always get a scaled preview, regardless of passed arguments.

file thumbnails, image and text

I'd like to have a shell file icon instead of a tiny preview to the left of the file name, like here:

shell file icon

Any thoughts?


PS: I have found a hack: create a 0 byte temp file with the same extension and make a thumbnail of it. I hope though there is a better solution...


  • Well here's a helper metod which uses the dummy file approach (place it in some static class):

    public async static Task<StorageItemThumbnail> GetFileIcon(this StorageFile file, uint size = 32)
        StorageItemThumbnail iconTmb;
        var imgExt = new[] { "bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png" }.FirstOrDefault(ext => file.Path.ToLower().EndsWith(ext));
        if (imgExt != null)
            var dummy = await ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder.CreateFileAsync("dummy." + imgExt, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); //may overwrite existing
            iconTmb = await dummy.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.SingleItem, size);
            iconTmb = await file.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.SingleItem, size);
        return iconTmb;

    Usage example:

    var icon = await file.GetFileIcon();
    var img = new BitmapImage();