I have interpreter that solve Polish notation. I have all operations and numbers in tokens and I have a list of tokens. So for example - - 5 4 2
is a list with these tokens:
SubtractionToken, SubtractionToken, NumberToken, NumberToken, NumberToken, STOPToken.
Example tokens:
class SubstractToken : IBinaryOperation
public Number Interpret(Number value1, Number value2)
Number c = new Number(value1.Value() - value2.Value());
return c;
class Number : IToken
private int value;
public Number(int val)
value = val;
public int Value()
return value;
So, I cannot understand how to make recursive function to solve this problems. Because when I SubstractionToken.Inrerpret(value, value) I need to give the values from numberTokens
what should be substract from itself, but what happen if the next token is an operation token? or we have - 5 - 7 2
? I don't know how to implement such recursive function which will detect that the first operation should be made - 7 2 then - 5 and resultof(- 7 2), remember the results and back to the previous not done operations. Any help?
You usually do this with an evaluation stack which stores the results you've seen so far. When you encounter a number on in the input you push it on the stack and when you encounter a binary operation (e.g. '-') you pop two values from the stack, interpret them and push the result. Something like:
public static Number Evaluate(List<IToken> tokens, Stack<Number> eval) {
if(tokens.Count == 0) {
if(eval.Count != 1) throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid expression");
return eval.Pop();
var tok = tokens[tokens.Count-1];
if (tok is Number) {
else if(tok is IBinaryOperation) {
var result = ((IBinaryOperation)tok).Evaluate(eval.Pop(), eval.Pop());
//handle other cases
return Evaluate(tokens, eval);
this could easily be made an iterative function if required.