We (mistakenly) used StringCbPrintfW to write a database query which failed miserably on any locale that uses a comma as the decimal separator. Fix is easy enough, right? StringCbPrintf_lW, which takes a locale, is also defined in strsafe.h. Both are defined under:
so just create the locale and replace StringCbPrintfW with StringCbPrintf_lW.
Intellisense is happy, GoToDefinition is happy, ClCompile is not. I keep getting
error C3861: 'StringCbPrintf_lW': identifier not found
Any ideas what is wrong?
The header Strsafe.h defines the method in question, using two defines to filter this function as follows:
_Out_writes_bytes_(cbDest) _Always_(_Post_z_) LPTSTR pszDest,
_In_ size_t cbDest,
_In_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) LPCTSTR pszFormat,
_In_ locale_t locale,
Routine Description:
This routine is a version of StringCbPrintf that also takes a locale.
Please see notes for StringCbPrintf above.
#ifdef UNICODE
#pragma region Application Family
#define StringCbPrintf_l StringCbPrintf_lW
// ...
In short, you need to define STRSAFE_LOCALE_FUNCTIONS
before you include the header. As in:
#pragma message("NO CB FUNCTIONS")
#include <strsafe.h>