I have to delete all emails from a certain origin (like foo@bar.com).
I receive a lot of emails from foo@bar.com and I may not use a spam filter, I need to receive them and know they are there (in detail, they are from a batch system on a cluster). Once they are there, they cram my mailbox, so I want to delete them. Handpicking is a little less nice, since we are talking about a few hundreds.
I am currently employing outlook web app for a university mail address, but I am happy with any kind of solution really. So, is there an easy application, that can be hooked up to a mail account and delete all emails from a specific origin? Or can Outlook web app be made to do it? If yes, how?
If you want to make a rule and delete the email from particular sender then do the following steps
see the details with screenshot at : this link