I'm having trouble changing the color of my field when they containt certain words. Since the formatting rules are not working aswell i tried to write code.
Here's what i have:
Private Sub txtStatus_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Select Case Me.Status
Case "Verkauft"
txtStatus.BackColor = vbRed
End Select
End Sub
The name of the field is txtStatus, actually it's a combination field with dropdown. What i doing wrong? I tried sever Actiontypes but it wont work :(
You should avoid combo fields by all means. They will cause you nothing but trouble as you've already seen.
The actual value is probably a number, thus:
Private Sub txtStatus_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Status As Long
Status = Me!txtStatus.Value
' Study value
Debug.Print "Status:", Status
Select Case Status
Case 3 ' adjust to the value matching Verkauft.
Me!txtStatus.BackColor = vbRed
Case Else
Me!txtStatus.BackColor = vbWhite
End Select
End Sub