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iCE40 IceStorm FPGA Flow: Bi-directional IO pins

Using the iCE40 FOSS IceStorm FPGA flow: how does one write Verilog for a 3-state I/O pin (like a bidirectional data bus pin) using yosys/iceStorm?


  • Currently there is only limited support for inferring nontrivial IO buffers from behavioral code. So the best way of creating bidirectional IO buffers is by manually instantiating an SB_IO cell. For example:

    SB_IO #(
        .PIN_TYPE(6'b 1010_01),
        .PULLUP(1'b 0)
    ) raspi_io [8:0] (

    (With iopin being the top-level module port.)

    See the Lattice iCE40 technology library documentation for more details on SB_IO and other iCE40 primitives.