Anyone aware where I can find further documentation on Patroni?
I've looked into the github docs, but it doesn't contain much documentation on usage/problems found during installation/etc. It seems the examples focus on etcd only.
Unfortunately we don't have good documentation so far. Current README file doesn't cover even 50% of Patroni functionality, but I can tell for sure that sample configuration files (postgres{0-2}).yml could be used as a good start. There is no big difference between Etcd, ZooKeeper or Consul from user perspective. If you want to use ZooKeeper or Consul instead of Etcd, just comment/uncomment corresponding sections in the configuration files.
Currently the only big problem with the latest release of Patroni - it's not possible to change without restart any of the postgres parameters which were set from Patroni config file, but it's already fixed in the master branch. At the moment I'm working on possibility to change Patroni and postgres configuration dynamically. Basic idea is: configuration is stored in a configuration store (Etcd/ZooKeeper/Consul) and as soon as somebody changes it there it would be applied on the next iteration of HA loop.
If you have some concrete problems or questions don't hesitate to open an issue on the Patroni github page.