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jquery touch punch z index has no impact

I am working on ipad drag and drop and i tried to make the draggable element visible on every other div but it works only in parent div, my code is:

  zIndex: 20,
  drag: function(event){...},
  helper: 'clone',
  position: 'absolute',
  owerflow: 'hidden'

the html code looks like something like this:

    <div id="draggable"></div>
    <div id="dropDiv"></div>

When i am dragging the element its visible in the first td where it normally is, but when i try to drag it over the <div id="dropDiv"></div> it goes under the "dropDiv".

These divs and tds have multiple css classes which i cant display here.

I have already tried multiple z indexes but made no impact.


  • You can add custom helper like this:

      zIndex: 20,
      drag: function(event){...},
      helper: function(){
        $("#outerElement").append($("#draggable").clone().attr('id', 'itWorks'))
        return $("#itWorks");

    Where $("#outerElement") is the element which contains your $("#draggable") and the element where your want to drop as well.