I am working on an angular JS application. My body background must change every minute according to the image hosted by my server.
In my HTML, I use ng-style to set the background image:
<body ng-controller="mainCTRL" ng-style="{backgroundImage: 'url(' + imageURL + ')'}">
In my mainCTRL, imageURL is set like this:
$scope.urlImage = serverURL + '/Images/background.png';
It work well but now I need to refresh the image. The hosted image change every minute but it hosted always on the same URL. To do that, I had this on my JS code:
function startRefresh() {
$interval(test, );
test = function () {
$scope.urlImage = '';
$timeout(function () {
$scope.urlImage = serverURL + '/Images/background.png';
}, 1000);
The timer works, every minute, the test function is called but the image is always the same.
I would like to have a solution to change the image even if the URL is the same.
I'm a javascript beginner and sorry for my english. Thank you
Try to change url to something like:
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
$scope.urlImage = serverURL + '/Images/background.png?' + currentTime;