I'd like to attach a MutationObserver
to the DOM so I can see what changes. Easy.
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
var config = {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
characterData: true,
subtree: true
observer.observe(document.body, config);
The problem is in processNode
I want to edit the nodes, which triggers the MutationObserver
which calls processNode
again which double edits the node, which I don't want.
So how can I make a hash to keep track of what I've already seen? Things I've tried:
Doesn't work because all nodes are serialized to strings before insertion. So my keys become [object Text]
. Edit: I was doing seenMap[node] = true
instead of seenMap.set(node, true)
. The latter works as a solution to my problem.
I don't want to cause collisions with anything else running on the page (I'm writing a Chrome Extension).
I'm not too excited about a linear search for each DOM change.
There's nothing wrong with adding properties to Node Objects. JQuery does this all the time and it's very common in browser extensions. Also, I don't mean Element attributes like <img data-foo="bar"/>
. I mean adding properties to the Node Objects in JS, e.g.
document.body.MY_WEIRD_PROP_348u9erhhhhh0asdf_IN_USE = 1
Obviously, you'd want it to be obscure to fully avoid collisions. If you can think of an instance where this would interfere with another script, please enlighten me.