I'm having trouble initializing ActiveAndroid in my project. It is state that the application tag in the manifest needs to be like so:
<application android:name="com.activeandroid.app.Application" ...>
Unfortunately, I have it already as this
<application android:name="android.support.multidex.MultiDexApplication">
It says you can fix the problem by having the class that is in the application tag be a sub-class of ActiveAndroid.
Notice also that the application name points to the ActiveAndroid application class. This step is required for ActiveAndroid to work. If you already point to a custom Application class, just make that class a subclass of com.activeandroid.app.Application.
If you are using a custom Application class, just extend com.activeandroid.app.Application instead of android.app.Application
public class MyApplication extends com.activeandroid.app.Application { ...
Is there a way for me to remedy this problem? I can't change the code to the MultiDexApplication class because it is part of the Android SDK.
MultiDexApplication is Application subclass (MultiDexApplication), so extends and configure ActiveAndroid.
public class MyApplication extends MultiDexApplication {
public void onCreate() {
Configuration config = new Configuration.Builder(this)
In your manifest,
<application android:name=".MyApplication">