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Body of GCM notification always displays as <missing message content> when using PushSharp

I'm using PushSharp version 4.0.1 and currently when ever I send out a notification the title displays fine but the body of the message always displays as ''. If I send a test message directly to GCM from Postman with out using PushSharp the content displays fine. Below is how I'm structuring the message body. Any ideas would be great!

   gcmBroker.QueueNotification(new GcmNotification
       RegistrationIds = new List<string>
       Data = JObject.Parse("{ \"title\" : \""+ message.PatientFirstName +" "+ message.PatientLastName + ". " + message.GlucoseMeasurement.TrendArrow +"\"," +
                            " \"body\" : \""+ message.GlucoseMeasurement.ValueInMgPerDl + "at" + message.GlucoseMeasurement.Timestamp + "\"," +
                            " \"icon\" : \"icon\"," +
                            " \"color\" : \"#FF4081\"}")


  • Actually ended up figuring it out after digging further into the GCM docs. I was trying to send a data notification unknowingly since I was using the Dataparam. The code should have looked like this instead...

                gcmBroker.QueueNotification(new GcmNotification
                    RegistrationIds = new List<string>
                    Notification = JObject.Parse("{ \"title\" : \"" + message.PatientFirstName + " " + message.PatientLastName + ". " + message.GlucoseMeasurement.TrendArrow + "\"," +
                                         " \"body\" : \"" + message.GlucoseMeasurement.ValueInMgPerDl + " at " + message.GlucoseMeasurement.Timestamp + "\"," +
                                         " \"icon\" : \"icon\"," +
                                         " \"color\" : \"#FF4081\"}")